Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Week 2

     Hello everyone! My second week of genius hour didn't go exactly as planned. Originally I was going to take multiple different pictures of landscapes and portraits, but I ran into some problems with my camera. the pictures that I took turned out blurry and not in the quality that I would have liked them. Although it didn't turn out the way I wanted to, I learned a lot about how my camera needs to be set.
     In my opinion, trial and error is one of the best ways to learn. Almost everything I have learned so far is a direct result of trial and error. I have been testing my camera and trying to find settings that best work for me before moving on to edit them. Although it hasn't been easy, I am accomplishing a couple of goals that I set before starting my genius hour. My first goal was to learn something. So far, I have learned that photography is not easy and that a camera has a lot more to it than I thought. My second goal was to have fun, and that has been easily obtained throughout the first two weeks.
     Next week I plan to retake the pictures that were blurry and start learning to edit. I downloaded Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 to my computer this week so I'm prepared to take the next steps in the following weeks.  I also plan to upload a couple pictures in my Week 3 blog to show you my progress and what I am working on.


  1. I agree that trial and error is a great method for learning! You are doing some very cool things. I am excited to see the progress you are making in taking and editing your photos.

  2. Hey Hope! One of the upcoming weeks I would be very interested to see what settings your camera is set on for the certain types of pictures. Your blog is a very great read! Hope everything that went haywire this week resolves in the next week.
