Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Week 3

    Hello everyone! Originally I was going to retake the blurry pictures I took last week, but The snow put a slight hold on that. I'm also trying to figure out the issues I am having with my camera. I'm trying to figure it out myself but I think I'm going to do some research online to solve the problems. I think it has something to do with the shutter speed, so that will be the first thing that I will research. If that doesn't work, then I will resort back to the general setup of the entire camera and restart.
    I have taken some photos on my iPhone that are unedited. They seem to be a lot easier than using my digital camera. With the limited settings, it makes taking photos simple and fun. Although I enjoy the simplicity and how good of pictures my iPhone takes, I think it is important for me to learn to use my digital camera; therefore, I will do whatever steps it takes to better myself and learn how to deal with the issues I am having now.
    By next week, I plan to have the issues fixed with my camera and have a few well-taken pictures to show you. I'm trying my best to overcome the challenges that this project is throwing at me. I feel that if I keep trying, I will eventually figure it all out.


  1. Hope, I think tackling photography is a great Genius Hour! I also enjoy using my iPhone to take photos, because of the ease and accessibility. Out of curiousity, what are you planning to edit your pictures with?

  2. These pictures are super cool! I think it's a good idea that you're retaking them in better quality! Maybe you could ask Ms. Nyberg or someone who has knowledge on cameras to help you figure out the issues? Or you could get a cool picture editing app on your phone. I really like your genius hour and can't wait to see more!

  3. Hope I love your pictures! I wonder does all this snow give you inspiration for some winter landscape pictures? I can't wait to see what other pictures you take!
