Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 1

Hello everyone!

My first week of genius hour has been fairly simple and easy. I began by doing research on what I want my final project to be. I was originally going to create small photo albums with my favorite pictures after they have been edited to my liking. But after a small amount of research, I decided to present it in a much more formal way by creating a portfolio of before and after photos to show you how I have progressed through the trials and errors of photo taking and editing.

After I made the final decision on what to shoot for at the end of this 6 week learning experience, I started on the actual photography process. The logical first step to learning photography is getting a camera and learning how to use it. With my mother owning a very nice Nikon camera, I was set and ready to learn how to use it!

I quickly found out that a camera has A LOT of different formats and steps to taking a good quality picture. After messing with it for a few minutes, I reverted back to research. YouTube videos seemed to be the most helpful because they clearly showed how the buttons and formats worked. I followed along and quickly became more familiar with my camera and its functions.

Even after all of the videos and research, I still have more to learn about my camera. My next step will to go out and use it. I believe that trial and error is going to be the best way to learn more about it. I will continue to update my weekly progress and struggles of learning photography. Stay tuned...

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