Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Week 6

    I'm very excited and happy to announce that I finally had a truly successful week! Last week I mentioned that I didn't think I was going to complete my project. Everything I had done had to do with fixing my camera and I was worried that I wasn't going to get any pictures taken. This week, I proved to myself that I could take some awesome photos and that I can work a camera.
    I am currently in the process of editing photos. Thanks to my good friend Sydney Anderson, I had the opportunity to shoot some portraits. Taking pictures of people is a lot different than taking pictures of landscape. I was very excited and discovered that I enjoy taking pictures of people a lot more than I like taking pictures of landscape.
    The most successful part of my week was figuring out the issues with my camera. All of the pictures I took were in focus and are fairly easy to edit. All I had to do was brighten them a bit using my Adobe Photoshop 11 app on my computer. It was the first time that I didn't have to enhance the focus which is a great improvement.
    With only a few photos to finish, I have to start thinking strongly about in which order I will present them to the class. My initial thought is to present my landscape photos first and then my portrait photos. I can't wait to show off my hard work and progress!


  1. I'm happy for you that you had gotten done what you had needed to get done. I hope your project is seen as a success in your eyes. Do you plan on having a career in photography? I have two relatives that do photography and they do very well. Weddings make lots of money for photographers!

  2. I'm not sure yet. I might minor in photography in college but if i decide not to i will just do it for fun
